Sunday, October 29, 2017


Since the weather was so nice over the weekend and the neighbor kids were up at the lake, we decided to go up there so they could all play together.  While they were playing I took the time to move the approach on the dock so it is centered and the deck is flush with the deck on the dock.  Its been bothering me since we put it together over the summer.

Saturday, October 28, 2017


I have been concerned about leaving the doc in the water over the winter for a while now.  I've heard stories about 2 ton concrete blocks being dragged 20 feet down the lake by moving ice sheets from several different neighbors.  My little 16" augers don't stand a chance!  So with the nice weather this weekend, Terry and I went up and dragged the dock up on the beach.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


After taking down the old chimney, we had to patch the roof and siding.  In the last picture, the siding had been patched but it had not been painted yet.  The roof patch was purely cosmetic, but we had a piece of the siding from the old outhouse that happened to fit.  It's white rather than silver, but at least a portion of the overhang is not missing any longer.

Down Tree

We decided to purchase a set of security cameras to install at the lake so we can keep an eye on things.  When I got there to start installing them, I found that we had a tree fall across the driveway.  It looks like it was rotting away at the base and it finally just gave way.  Luckily it didn't do any damage and it's not very big, so cutting it up will be quick.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Living Room

Last week I spent some time hanging the missing drywall in the living room.  We are not ready to start taping it yet because there is some work that may need to be done behind the lake side wall still.  But at least it is is closed up and a little more complete for when we come back in the spring.  For now, the power and water are off and everything is locked up for the winter.